I'm informed these fried banana's (Lumpias)are your invention. Teach me your banana magic!! Why they are available at Hawaiian fruit stands, who knows. But thank you for being a part of the best breakfast I've ever had!
Part two of the best breakfast ever:
They taste like grapes, but sexier. They are called rambutan, although you will probably hear them referred to as lychee. An actual lychee looks similar (small, oval, with vibrant red color) but will not have the soft hair-like spikes covering the flesh. They do belong to the same botanical family (Sapindaceae) and both are as common as apples in the region containing Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Borneo. The word "rambut" in the name rambutan actually means hairy in Malay. Aren't they beautiful? They grow on trees like this one:

I didn't actually get to see the trees while in Oahu, I just found this picture on line. But I wish I had! I would love to have one in my backyard. I'm guessing they require a hot, humid area so having one in Utah is a no-go. Just another reason for me to get the heck outta here. That, and the two attempted murders that just took place (within a week of each other) at the Motel 6 down the street...